WHAT can we do for you? 

Scandinavian Designers® brings over 40 years of experience and expertise to resolving these dilemmas. Our secret? To avoid and transcend the Engineering + Production vs. Branding + Marketing dilemma by developing STRONG, CREATIVE CONCEPTS before we start on design.

This means first formulating the key ideas that connect and coordinate all aspects of the business, and then integrating them into viable commercial products, services and experiences.

Over the years, we have developed numerous time-proven models, processes and methods to help our clients. For over 10 years we have been offering our customers in Taiwan step-by-step updating and upgrading services to re-launch their businesses. Together we create a synergy beyond that you can find anywhere else!

Among the services we offer:
you can choose and combine

  • Business Development (including Company Evaluation and Strategic Upgrading, etc.)
  • Branding & Marketing (including Market Strategies, Integration, Naming, Niche Definition, etc.)
  • Communication Design (including, Copy Writing, Graphic, CIS and Signage, etc.)
  • Packaging Design (including Structural Engineering and Assembly Planning, etc.)
  • Product Management (Process & Product Coordination, creating series and families, etc.)
  • Display Design (Product Organisation and Grouping, window dressing, personnel training etc.)
  • Space Design (retail, commercial design, experience management, routing etc.)
  • Architectural Design (Building Renovation, exterior design, style management, etc.)
  • Construction (including QC, Sourcing, time and team Management, etc.)

For further understanding of what we can do for you,
please visit our THINK, DESIGN, ACT

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